mai stanchi passi
tra solitudine e guerra
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mai stanchi passi
tra solitudine e guerra
En aquel preciso momento el hombre se dijo:
Qué no daría yo por la dicha
de estar a tu lado en Islandia
bajo el gran día inmóvil
y de compartir el ahora
como se comparte la música
o el sabor de una fruta.
En aquel preciso momento
el hombre estaba junto a ella en Islandia.
Grazie F. per avermela ricordata
home brew therapy
for angry memories
quirks of fate, cards to crack
nobody’s white
borderline widow
I laugh
brilliantly alone
un anno è la fotografia
di te stesso che vai via.
for over ten years
I dreamed of you back home
and every time I felt so happy
thanks for holding my hand
and thank you for the books
se aspetto un momento non colgo l’attimo
A teaspoonful of coffee
would make me cry
when she wuold tell me
you’re like a pearl
in my life
but I’m tired now
tired of the cold one
not like her
never tired of war
i’m still looking
not of much fuss
but just
for a clean glass
era donna del Capo
ma il capo è sempre stata Lei
three hundredth dawn
keep singing that song
but never walk alone
cherish a new born mind
longing for nothing on the
three hundredth night
came to life
across the bridge
watched for whispered hints
you wore away
a gorgeous dark skin
punctual that happens
at the funeral of desire
the unexpected
it’s just zen
and the luck
to be living just now